Have you got as far as "Dear Santa" and are now stuck for words ?
If the task has fallen to you to show your children how to write their first letter to Santa, you're in for a fun and inspiring time - kids imaginations are wonderful and when it comes to Christmas, they get so excited.
Children love to write letters to Santa Claus. Usually parents lend a hand.
How should a parent help a child write a letter to Santa Claus?
Here are some tips that will make your child’s letter to Santa more than just a list of gifts he or she wants.
Dear Santa……… (or you can address it to Father Christmas, if you prefer)
First of all, a letter to Santa should be a personal message from your child to Santa Claus, not to a parent or grandparent.
The child’s own words should be used and his or her personality should shine through. Very young children ages 2 to 5 can draw or cut out pictures to show gifts they want for the holidays.
The parent can write down words just as the child says them. Encourage your child to watch as you print and say the letters out loud. Talk about the sounds the letters make. Show the child how to leave a space between each word.
Kindergarten through Third Grades
For children in kindergarten through third grade, making a chart of words is a great idea.
The child can think of words first, get help spelling them, illustrate them, and then write the letter by himself.
5 and 6 year olds will need a bit of additional help. It helps to have a chart showing the form of a letter to Santa, for example, showing where to put the date, the greeting, the body of the letter, and the closing.
Your child should tell Santa the good things they have done during the year, as well as what they wish for as gifts.
Grades 3 through 5
Children in grades 3 through 5 probably don’t believe in Santa Claus, but can be encouraged to write a letter anyway, “for fun”.
Encourage your child to tell what good deeds he/she has done during the year and how he/she has helped others.
Have the child put in a “Good wishes to Rudolf and Santa's elves.”
The child can also tell “Santa” their goals and hopes for the coming year.Parents can respond to these letters, giving advice and sending love to their children.
Keep the letters to Santa Claus for posterity.
All children should send best wishes to everyone at the North Pole!
The letters may be mailed to: Santa Claus, The North Pole, The Arctic, Earth, The Universe
Tips On Writing A Letter To Santa Claus
What will the child learn by writing a letter to Santa Claus?
Children will learn to spell words, learn the form of a letter and how to address an envelope, and, perhaps, how to use a computer or will improve their handwriting.
They'll also have a whole lot of fun and the pre-Christmas excitement will be evident on their smiling faces.
10 Tips For Writing Your Christmas Letter
Write your Christmas letter with a friend, your spouse, or your sister. It's more fun when you share memories and laugh and cry about the year that's gone by. Drink cocoa and have some cookies while you work.
Use a computer so that you can make corrections and revisions easily. Don't forget to run the spell checker to make sure that your letter is perfectly spelt. However, if you're not using the latest technology, a hand-written letter is always wonderful to receive. Be sure someone proof reads it before it's sent.
Use special holiday paper that can be purchased at most office supply stores. Or you can use colored paper and add pictures and borders (red/green or red/gold can be effective combinations). You can even buy pre-cut cards shaped as Christmas trees! Use a pretty font and dress the letter up with some bold type or Christmas stickers.
Start your Christmas letter with holiday wishes and questions about your friends' and relatives' health and well-being. Tell everyone you miss them.
Next, describe your year. Don't brag! Both happy and sad events should be included. Include any major milestones - birthdays, graduations, weddings. Tell a cute story or two. Let the kids write their own bit, if they're old enough. Keep it under two pages!
Then, send more wishes for wonderful holidays and a Happy New Year
Sign your letter by hand
Use a decorated or colored envelope - you can add a seasonal stamp or if you're into rubber stamping, you can hand decorate your envelopes with special stamps
Include recent family pictures
Mail it early - this means you can save on postage and be one of the first to arrive
So, grab a friend, heat up some cocoa, and start writing!
But I hate letter-writing ...
You could set up a website or blog with your latest photos on - why not use the letter to get people to join you on one of the many social networking sites, so that it's not another year until you find out what's happening with them. This way, next year, all you'll need to send is a simple card!
Should I email it?
Whilst there's no reason why not, it could get lost in the spam and there's something better about sending something through the holiday post.
Hope you enjoy writing your letters to Santa Claus this holiday season!
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Santa letters from Santa's official Post Office
Santa Claus is real and you can prove it!
Santa writes back! Request a personal letters from Santa.
FREE personalized Santa Stop Here door hanger with every letter from Santa
Leave Santas Boot prints throughout your home.
Schedule your phone calls from Santa Claus
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Proof of Santas magical visit
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